I had been retired for ten years and had now reached State Pension age. A family celebration was called for and a wonderful evening out had been arranged which was a black tie event. Prior to the departure from the hotel all six of us were gathered in the hotel bar and drinks all round had just arrived. At this point my son Roger rose to his feet and we had and all sipped our first drink. It was a god start, but he soon rose again, and presented me with a card. My fairly euphoric state was immediately shattered. The card had a large picture of a man descending on a parachute. Inside was an invitation to a club in North London for me to leap out of an aeroplane. I have always maintained I would never do such a thing unless the aircraft was either on fire or the wings had fallen off.

As the blood drained from my face he handed me my real present which was a flight in a Pitts Special. This highly aerobatic aircraft was highly favoured in Championship contests around the world. A truly amazing machine with an incredible rate of roll as its power weight formula combined with a double wing. It could be used from plus 6g to minus 4g and this one was decorated with snakes and a registration of G-HISS.

The pilot was a magnificent aerobatic specialist and once strapped in my son took some photographs before we raced off. My instructor managed to contain most of the display over the airfield so my family could witness what was happening. He allowed me to fly the beast once he had demonstrated a loop or flick roll and eventually stall turns at the apex of the loop. I was then allowed to replicate the manoeuvre. It was really an amazing aircraft to play with and a great birthday treat for a senior citizen.

As the treat came to an end, my instructor completed the final approach inverted, neatly rolled us upright and landed. My son raced over to picture me climbing out and was rather annoyed to note I had not been sick. What a trip that was and I was delighted to have disappointed my son’s ambition, and also very relieved not to have any need to use the parachute.



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